Women's Morning Retreat

February 15





"We Are God's Masterpiece"

Join us for a morning of relaxation and refreshment at the CPC Women’s Morning Retreat. We will spend time in personal reflection, connecting with other women, hearing from speakers, and worshiping together.  

As part of the morning, we will have two breakout sessions. There are four breakout options, and you will choose two of them when you register. Descriptions of each breakout are below.

Our morning will start with yummy breakfast food, hot beverages, and a time to meet one another around tables in Westview. We hope you will leave rested and renewed as we prepare for the year ahead.  

The cost for this event is $25. If paying $25 prevents you from attending or inviting others, please use this discount code to reduce the cost to $10: RETREAT.

Breakout Options

“Discovering God in Contemplative Prayer”
In a world that fills every gap with noise, contemplative prayer offers us a sacred invitation to quiet our minds and connect with God. Through scripture, reflection, and practical steps, we’ll explore how this underutilized form of prayer transforms our longing to be known into an intimate sharing with the One who loves us. Together, let’s step into the breathing room for our souls and discover the power of simply being in God’s presence. Led By Gabby Gustafson, CPC Associate Director of Young Adults.

“Cultivating a Sabbath Practice”
Sabbath is a set apart time every week for the exclusive purposes of rest and communion with God. Cultivating a Sabbath practice helps us to depend more on God and less on our drives toward productivity and consumption. During this breakout session you will be given the tools to start or expand your Sabbath practice so that you can experience the gifts of wholeness and restoration that God has for you. Led by Melissa Schaser, CPC Pastor of Groups & Community Life.

“End the Day in God’s Presence”  
Would you like to end the day with more peace, experiencing God’s presence and reflecting on where you have seen him in your day? During this breakout session, you will learn about a spiritual practice – the examen – that can help you do just that. Led by Judie Ritchie, former pastor & Spiritual Director to pastors.

“Intentional Invitation”
How do we share our faith in ways that build healthy relationships and draw others in? During this breakout session we will discuss how to invite others into conversations about faith. We will highlight how intentional invitation can cultivate authentic relationships and build trust in conversations about following Jesus. Led by Carrie Gleeson, CPC Pastor of Engagement.

Note: We plan to record the breakout sessions and make them available to all attendees.