Baptisms, Weddings, & Memorial Services

Marking transformative moments by celebrating and caring for one another.

In moments of joy and of sorrow, God is moving. We seek to be a people who go where God already is and mark these impactful life moments as a community. Through baptisms, weddings, and memorial services, we gather as a church and proclaim the story of Jesus’ sacrificial love for everyone.


Baptism is the church’s proclamation that we are loved, chosen, and claimed by a God who is always moving in the world and inviting us to move with Him. We practice infant baptisms for members of CPC as well as baptisms for adults and children following a confession of faith.


We celebrate weddings as a sacred moment marking the covenantal relationship between a couple and God. To equip couples to build a strong and enduring Christ-centered marriage, we provide marriage preparation, which involves meeting with a counselor, CPC Pastor, and a mentor couple.

CPC Pastors are available to officiate weddings at CPC or off-site at a location of the couple’s choosing. In order to use CPC’s sanctuary or chapel for a wedding, either a bride, groom, or parent/grandparent of a bride or groom is required to be a CPC member.

Memorial Services

Through memorial services, we gather to remember and celebrate the life of a loved one. A CPC pastor will meet with the family of the person who has died to plan a personalized service. It is not necessary to be a church member to have a memorial service at CPC. Visit this page for more details.