You’re Invited!
Join us on Thursday, October 3, for CPC Night 2024—an evening to celebrate and deepen a vision that goes far beyond our walls. We’ll have kid care available and will be serving a free dinner starting at 5:30PM. The main event will take place from 6:30 to 7:30PM in the Sanctuary.
Last year at CPC Night 2023, we gathered to hear a new vision for our life as a church. We debuted a new brand. Launched a new website. Even changed the paint on our walls. But real change goes deeper. We have already taken exciting steps to live out our new vision—and we believe there’s a key next one to take: to build greater capacity into CPC’s annual budget. Beyond messaging or materials, we want our vision to impact our operating system. This means ensuring CPC’s priorities, programs, staff structure, and budget are positioned to support—and unleash—the promise at the heart of our vision: to be a people and church open to how the Gospel moves. Over the next two years, we want to live into this together.
This is an invitation for all of us, of every age, to come together, thank God for the growth we’ve experienced, and expand our understanding of what’s possible when we remain open to the movement of the Gospel! We look forward to seeing you on October 3!