Grandparenting with Purpose
March 13
"Building Healthy Christ-Centered Family Relationships"
Presenter: Dr. Bev Lonsbury
This group offers connection and encouragement on the grandparenting journey. We gather one Thursday night a month to learn and build community with other grandparents.
Most of us know what to do when our family relationships flourish. However, can we trust God when our family situations are full of twists and turns? The relationships we have with our grandchildren are heavily influenced by the relationships we have with their parents. These family connections can be loving, fun, happy, and full of good times. Yet, there can also be situations when these relationships become confusing, challenging, messy, painful -- and may include separations over family conflicts or disagreements. As we explore key aspects of building Christ-centered family relationships, we will gain skills that help us:
- Learn how to respond rather than react to challenging family situations.
- Maintain healthy boundaries in order to minimize conflicts, misunderstandings, and resentment.
- Love and forgive others through the grace of God.
This is a free event, but your registration helps us plan appropriately.
About our Presenter:
Dr. Bev Lonsbury is an educator, speaker, counselor, chaplain, and author. She has a passion for helping others become more Christ-centered, self-aware, and relationally engaged. Taking a multi-disciplined approach, Dr. Lonsbury’s Ph.D. research focused on drawing from the social sciences, theology, philosophy, and Christian resources in exploring how to increase well-being in relationships and learning how to manage the effects of anxiety. She is grateful for the “hands-on” insightful learning she experiences through her family including her husband, two grown sons, two daughters-in-law, and six grandchildren. In 2013, she received her Doctor of Philosophy degree in Pastoral Care and Counseling and in 2008, her Master of Arts degree in Congregational and Community Care; both from Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota. She is the author of the book, Adventures in Heartache, Humor, and Hope: How to Improve Your Resilience and Relationships When Life Seems Overwhelmingly Stressful.